Touch stimulates young minds during the Innovation Weekend

Touch stimulates young minds during the Innovation Weekend Introducing Design thinking for better problem solving.

Beirut, October 6, 2016: inspired by its Digital and Innovation vision, touch, the leading mobile telecommunications and data operator in Lebanon, managed by Zain Group, took part in Banque Du Liban Accelerate 2016's “Innovation Weekend”, a series of independent three-day Workshops that introduce Design Thinking as an effective method for problem solving, organized by SETT & Startup Megaphone in Collaboration with Seeqnce.

The Innovation Weekend that took place from the 30th of September till the 2nd of October,  posed a perfect opportunity for touch to translate its expertise in the telecom sector into an educational case study that can benefit young minds. Touch presented a business challenge for the participating teams, each of which was expected to come up with a creative solution using the design thinking method.

While commenting on the Innovation Weekend, Mr. Nadim Khater, Chief Commercial Officer at touch said, “touch truly values educational competitions like these, that utilize an effective method like Design Thinking to teach young minds how to enhance their problem solving skills. This method encourages them to think outside the box, allowing them to get a taste of the real world by presenting them with realistic business challenges. Touch will benefit from these creative ideas by implementing them in future projects”.

Tamara Zakharia, Founder at SETT Partners, co-organizing the Innovation Weekend event series alongside Startup Megaphone said, “With Innovation Weekend we aim to build bridges between students and corporations so that fresh graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to enter the digital, innovation-centered workforce of today.”


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