touch renews e-touch partnership with Teach for Lebanon

touch renews e-touch partnership with Teach for Lebanon 
Beirut - November 8, 2018: touch, the leading mobile telecommunications and data operator in Lebanon, managed by Zain Group, announced the renewal and extension of its e-touch partnership with “Teach for Lebanon” – TFL, to three additional schools for the 2018/2019 academic year: Al Aman School in Merryata, El Dinniyeh, located in North Lebanon; Arsal First Public School in Baalbeck, El Hermel; and Saida Generations School, South Lebanon. The e-touch centers will continue to be managed and led by TFL, supported by young university graduates who are being recruited from the local areas and trained by TFL representatives and experts in the field of education. e-touch is an educational program that aims to support Lebanon’s underprivileged children in rural areas. 
The e-touch project initiative, which falls in line with touch’s Corporate Sustainability program Positive touch, was first launched in January 2018, where two e-touch centers were developed and made available at the Nader Association for delinquent Enfant Rehabilitation School in Deddeh El Koura, and at Afaf El Tofl School in El Marj, Béqaa. E-touch equipped each center with 10-networked laptops and the supporting appropriate furniture, giving students access to educational data and online information. 
Given the alarmingly high rural divide in education standards that exists in Lebanon, e-touch has helped students improve their academic performance and has contributed to the elimination of the existing educational gaps in classrooms. Students in those participating e-touch schools were taught to utilize computer programs and tools, and learnt to surf the web using Google and YouTube to access a wide range of information. Through e-touch touch has helped students take control of their education to develop their talents, critical and creative thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. 
Commenting on the renewed partnership, touch Chief Executive Officer Emre Gurkan said, “The e-touch initiative is a positive socio-economic project aimed at contributing to building an e-society by facilitating ICT literacy. Education is of paramount importance in progressing a nation. So too is the understanding and adoption of technology, and I am extremely pleased with the progress we have achieved with TFL to promote education and ICT development among young people in Lebanon.”
In proud partnership, TFL’s Chief Executive Officer and Alumna of the program Salyne El Samarany stated: “Technology is everywhere; it affects how we interact with each other, how we play, work and learn. This partnership with touch is bringing a world of innovation into education, and is helping us fulfill our promise of providing quality education for the students we serve. This project is putting our school communities at the center of our work and helping us expand the horizons of our students by offering them the tools to unleash their full potential. The world is full of great knowledge and magic, and it empowers students to have the tools needed to explore it. We, at Teach For Lebanon are grateful for touch for their unparalleled support to our cause, and we take pride in this successful partnership.”
TFL is a Lebanese NGO that commenced operations in 2008. Since that time, it has provided quality education for less privileged children in Lebanon. The organization employs, trains and places Lebanon’s leading graduates in under-resourced schools to help improve the lives of those who are most in need of care, guidance, role models, and effective teachers.


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